Sub: [[집합,set]], [[집합론,set_theory]] [[확률,probability]], [[확률론,probability_theory]] = 용어의 차이 = ||확률론 ||집합론 || ||[[확률,probability]] theory ||[[집합,set]] theory, [[집합론,set_theory]] || ||[[결과,outcome]] (individual outcome) ζ ||원소 element || ||[[사건,event]] ||[[부분집합,subset]] or [[집합,set]] || ||[[표본공간,sample_space]] (set of all outcomes) Ω ||전체집합 universal set U || ||null event, impossible event ||[[공집합,empty_set]] ∅ || ||event space ||? || event (An event is a set of outcomes of an experiment.) event space (An event space is a collectively exhaustive, mutually exclusive set of events.) 확률론에선 집합을 사건이라고 부른다. ||집합론(및 일반적인 수학) 용어 ||[[집합,set]] || ||확률론의 용어 ||[[사건,event]] || ---- See also: [[확률과_통계,probability_and_statistics]] Up: [[여러가지비교및대응관계]] [[확률및랜덤프로세스]]