'''formal system''' WtEn:formal_system .... Bing:"formal system 형식체계" Ggl:"formal system 형식체계" CMP [[논리,logic]] [[산술,arithmetic]] [[대수,algebra]] [[대수학,algebra]] calculus [[수리논리,mathematical_logic]] 수학기초론 WpKo:수학기초론 WpEn:Foundations_of_mathematics (비형식적인 것을 제외한 [[형식,form]]적인) 논리체계 (logic system ? WpEn:Logic_system Ggl:"logic system" Bing:"logic system" ) - 와 완전 동의어? chk formal_logic ... maybe [[형식논리,formal_logic]]... 과 완전 동의어? chk ---- MKL [[구조,structure]] esp abstract_structure { WpEn:Abstract_structure } [[불완전성정리,incompleteness_theorem]] ---- Sub: Lambda calculus - [[람다대수,lambda_calculus]] [[Wiki:LambdaCalculus]] Untyped - untyped_lambda_calculus Typed - typed_lambda_calculus Predicate calculus - [[술어논리,predicate_logic]] (AKA [[일차논리,first-order_logic]]) ## predicate_calculus - 이것은 '_calculus' 검색을 위해 Propositional calculus - [[명제논리,propositional_logic]] (AKA [[영차논리,zeroth-order_logic]]) ## propositional_calculus Sequent calculus - [[시퀀트계산,sequent_calculus]](writing) ## sequent_calculus Combinatory calculus - see [[WpEn:Combinatory_logic#Combinatory_calculi]] ## combinatory_calculus [[Wiki:CombinatoryLogic]] [[WpEn:SKI_combinator_calculus]] "that may be perceived as a reduced version of the untyped lambda calculus" Process calculus [[WpEn:Process_calculus]] { aka process_calculi process_algebra } "a diverse family of related approaches for formally modelling [[concurrent_system]]s" (wpen) pi-calculus π-calculus pi_calculus [[WpEn:π-calculus]] https://esolangs.org/wiki/Pi_Calculus Logical calculus https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Logical_calculus ## logical_calculus Kappa calculus - [[WpEn:Kappa_calculus]] ...lambda calc.와 달리 함수는 항상 first-class_object 이고 higher-order_function 는 없다. ''Cite: Kappa-calculus can be regarded as "a reformulation of the first-order fragment of typed_lambda_calculus"'' ## kappa_calculus ///TODO 일단 _calculus라는 이름 붙은거 여기 모았는데 이게 다 형식체계인지 CHK associative_calculus https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Associative_calculus "also called Thue systems" (via https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Calculus 마지막 문장) https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Thue_system MKLINK: [[semi-Thue_system]] { rel. [[string_rewriting_system]] { rel. [[rewrite_rule]] } } wt x 2023-12 "associative calculus" Ggl:"associative calculus" rel [[결합법칙,associativity]] ... '결합성 대수'?? group_calculus associative_calculus의 하나 https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Group_calculus wt x 2023-12 "group calculus" Ggl:"group calculus" Hoare_logic Hoare logic [[WtEn:Hoare_logic]] based on Hoare_triple { Hoare triple WtEn:Hoare_triple } [[WpEn:Hoare_logic]] : program의 [[correctness]]{[[WpEn:Correctness_(computer_science)]]}를 엄밀하게 [[추리,reasoning]]하는 것에 대한 [[규칙,rule]] 등으로 이루어진 [[형식체계,formal_system]] ? chk mklink [[precondition]] [[postcondition]] (앞 둘은 [[조건,condition]]에 작성중) https://everything2.com/title/Hoare+Logic "Hoare logic" Ggl:"Hoare logic" Up: [[logic]] [[effect_system]] - writing [[Gentzen_system]] and [[Gentzen_formal_system]] - writing https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Gentzen_formal_system ... Google:Gentzen+formal+system Naver:Gentzen+formal+system Gerhard_Gentzen ///그럼 이름으로 보아 order순으로 정렬하면 zeroth-order logic : [[명제논리,propositional_logic]] first-order lgoic : [[술어논리,predicate_logic]] higher order logic : 2 이상?? //''명제논리 vs 술어논리 구분 ↓. chk term usage'' 명제논리를 "0차 술어논리" 라고도 부른다. 1차 이상의 [[술어논리,predicate_logic]]는 [[명제논리,propositional_logic]]의 확장이다.[* https://pub.mearie.org/%EB%AA%85%EC%A0%9C%EB%85%BC%EB%A6%AC] ---- [[연역,deduction]] ---- tmp bmks ko 형식체계의 정의: https://chocobear.tistory.com/151?category=851370 의 Definition 1. 참조 ---- 같은 형식-/formal- 관련: [[형식언어,formal_language]] : '''형식체계'''로 정의한 [[언어,language]]. [[형식문법,formal_grammar]] [[formal_proof]] - [[증명,proof]] ....[[형식,formal]] or [[형태,form]]? [[형식,form]]? AKA '''logistic system''', '''axiomatic system''' Twins: [[WpKo:형식_체계]] [[WpEn:Formal_system]] [[WpEn:List_of_formal_systems]] https://planetmath.org/formalsystem https://www.britannica.com/topic/formal-system https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Formal_System https://encyclopediaofmath.org/wiki/Formal_system - ''deductive system'' deductive_system ... 연역체계? ... [[연역,deduction]] Up: [[논리,logic]] [[수학,math]] [[system]] ([[계,system]] or [[체계,system]] or [[시스템,system]] 중에 뭐가 best?)