#noindex '''심층 학습, 딥 러닝, deep learning''' [[기계학습,machine_learning]]의 구현 기법(technique) 중 하나로, [[신경망,neural_network]] ( [[심층신경망,deep_neural_network,DNN]] - 페이지를 여기와 따로 만들지 말지 tbd. { '''DNN, Deep Nets''' http://sanghyukchun.github.io/54/ 계층이 두터운 [[신경망,neural_network]]은, [[가중값,weight]]들이 랜덤 보다는 정교하게 [[초기화,initialization]]되면 매우 잘 훈련될 수 있다는 것이 발견됨 (2006-2007년, Hinton and Bengio의 breakthrough.[* https://youtu.be/AByVbUX1PUI?t=232]) } ) 를 사용. thanks to Hinton's DBN = deep_belief_network in 2006. 보통 massive data가 필요? ANN([[인공신경망,artificial_neural_network,ANN]])을 기반으로 구축한 머신러닝([[기계학습,machine_learning]]) 기술. 장점 * requires little or no handcrafted feature extraction Game AI(AlphaGo, etc.), image captioning, machine translation (https://github.com/tensorflow/nmt) 신경세포([[뉴런,neuron]])를 mimic함. forward propagation input layer - hidden layer - output layer 경사 강하 gradient descent [[역전파,backpropagation]] [[파이토치,PyTorch]] = books = [[ISBN(0262035618)]] 밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝 Ggl:"밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝" Deep Learning with Python Ggl:"Deep Learning with Python" 케라스 창시자에게 배우는 딥러닝 Ggl:"케라스 창시자에게 배우는 딥러닝" [[ISBN(1491914254)]] Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach Ggl:"Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach" = lectures = 모두를 위한 딥러닝 (김성훈) YouTube:"모두를 위한 딥러닝" Andrew Ng 코세라 강의: Neural Networks and Deep Learning | Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/neural-networks-deep-learning = topix ''(tmp, via wpko)'' = DNN deep_neural_network CNN convolutional_neural_network RNN recurrent_neural_network RBM restricted_Boltzmann_machine DBN deep_belief_network 심층 Q-네트워크(Deep Q-Networks) ,,pagename?,, ''...대부분 [[신경망,neural_network]]'' = tmp links ko = 쉽게 풀어쓴 딥러닝(Deep Learning)의 거의 모든 것 http://t-robotics.blogspot.com/2015/05/deep-learning.html ---- https://jinseob2kim.github.io/deep_learning.html (2014) 딥러닝 DS-GA 1008 · 2020 봄 · NYU CENTER FOR DATA SCIENCE 강사 - 얀 르쿤 & 알프래도 캔지아니 https://atcold.github.io/pytorch-Deep-Learning/ko/ 오승상 딥러닝 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvbUC2Zh5oJvByu9KL82bswYT2IKf0K1M Kaggle 사이트의 intro https://www.kaggle.com/learn/intro-to-deep-learning 그걸 바탕으로 정리한 ko 글 https://webnautes.tistory.com/1646 UNIGE 14x050 – Deep Learning https://fleuret.org/dlc/ François Fleuret's deep-learning courses 14x050 of the University of Geneva, Switzerland ---- [[WpKo:딥_러닝]] [[WpEn:Deep_learning]] http://www.aistudy.com/learning/deep_learning.htm HashKr:딥러닝 (tmp) Up: [[학습,learning]] > [[기계학습,machine_learning]]